Notice to residents | Brossard: Temporary work in 2021-2022 at Léon-Gravel Park
July 20, 2021 Champlain Deconstruction – Brossard
Temporary work in 2021-2022 at Léon-Gravel Park to dismantle the suspended span of the original Champlain Bridge



Dear Resident or Park User, 

The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI) would like to advise you that the north section of Léon-Gravel Park has been chosen as a temporary work site during fall/winter 2021-2022 as part of the deconstruction of the original Champlain Bridge. JCCBI, the Nouvel Horizon Saint-Laurent (NHSL), and The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) selected this site following a series of multi-criteria analyses.


Site selection


Located at the tip of the St. Lawrence Seaway turning basin, this area is the only accessible location near the work site that has sufficient water depth to temporarily dock a barge without affecting boating activities. Thanks to the site’s configuration, no trees will have to be cut down, although note that young plants or small shrubs may have to be pruned or cut back. The contractor will make partial use of the park’s access roads and parking areas.


Modifications ongoing to the Targeted Environmental Analysis


To ensure that the work is aligned with the environmental assessment process that began in 2013, the project’s Targeted Environmental Analysis (TEA) is currently being modified. This modification includes inventories (of wetlands, Boreal chorus frogs, brown snakes, etc.) to characterize the area and identify the impacts of the work on this environment with the addition of mitigation measures, if necessary.  


JCCBI and NHSL are therefore communicating with the public through this advisory as part of the modification to the TEA. Please feel free to share your questions and concerns with us (see contact information below) so that we can take these into account during the TEA process.


Work description



Figure 1: Lowering of the suspended span


This temporary work will be carried out during the park’s low-use period (November 2021 to the end of April 2022). It will consist of docking onto a temporary jetty a barge that will transport the suspended span of the original Champlain Bridge (Figure 1 opposite). Once the barge is docked, the span will be dismantled on site.



Figure 2: Temporary site development at Léon-Gravel Park


Work schedule*


  • Summer 2021: Targeted environmental analysis (TEA) underway to characterize the environment.  
  • November 2021: Site development (Figure 2 opposite) and signage and traffic plan so that people can safely use the park during the work.  
  • Mid-November 2021: Construction of the temporary jetty (surface area of 12 m x 31 m). Approximately 20 truck trips per day will be required for the work, which is expected to last two to three weeks. 
  • Mid-January 2022: The span will arrive at the barge at Léon-Gravel Park.
  • January to April 2022: Piece-by-piece dismantling of the steel structure using cranes. An analysis estimating the noise generated by this type of activity has shown that the established levels should not be exceeded. The contractor must also comply with the noise limits in effect.  
  • April 2022: Site restoration.

This work will be carried out by about a dozen workers during the day (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) on weekdays. From February to March 2022, 3 to 4 trucks per day will pass through the area.


* The work schedule is subject to change. 


Mitigation measures and environmental monitoring


A signage and traffic plan (with flaggers on site as required) will be implemented so that people can safely use the park during the work. Even if partially occupied by the contractor, the parking area will be accessible during the entire work period. The work area will also be clearly demarcated, and the site will be monitored to prevent trespassing.


Different measures will be put in place as part of the Champlain Bridge deconstruction project to minimize the impact of activities on the environment and citizens’ quality of life. For example, NHSL must limit its transportation hours and maintain the site access points to control dust emissions. The contractor will also relocate the brown snakes at the site.


The contractor must comply with the established noise and air quality standards. Although the work is not expected to exceed the criteria in nearby residential sectors, these levels will nevertheless be monitored during the work.


The contractor must also leave and restore the site by the end of April 2022 so that the park is ready for the peak season.


Thank you.  


The Team at The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI)



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Notice to residents | Brossard: Temporary work in 2021-2022 at Léon-Gravel Park
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