Jacques Cartier Bridge

L’International des Feux Loto-Québec
How do I get onto the Jacques Cartier Bridge to watch the fireworks?

Consult this map for the access points to get onto the Jacques Cartier Bridge. JCCBI does not have parking facilities and encourages everyone to use public transit to attend the event.

Are the Jacques Cartier Bridge sidewalk and multipurpose path will be open to users during the fireworks?

The sidewalk and the multipurpose path will be completely closed between 7:45 p.m. and 11:45 p.m. during these events.

Plan your trips by follow us on Twitter @mobiliteactive and subscribe to our Active Mobility email alert.

Are bicyles allowed on the Jacques Cartier Bridge during the fireworks?

Only pedestrians, strollers and people with reduced mobility will have access to the bridge; bicycles will not be allowed on the bridge.

Will toilets be available on the bridge during the fireworks?

Chemical toilets will be available on the Jacques Cartier Bridge during these events, near the Jean-Drapeau Park exit ramp, towards Montréal.

Can we bring our folding chairs on the bridge during the fireworks?

Spectators are allowed to bring their folding chairs during the fireworks at the Jacques Cartier Bridge.

How many people on average attend the fireworks on the Jacques Cartier Bridge?

According to the Sûreté du Québec, between 6,000 and 18,000 people attend the fireworks on the bridge each night.

What safety measures have you put in place?

To find out about safety measures during the fireworks on the Jacques Cartier Bridge, visit the fireworks web page.

Where are located the two smoking areas?

To find out the location of the two smoking areas on the Jacques Cartier Bridge, visit the instructions and smoking areas page.

In order to ensure a smoke-free environment for all spectators, smoking is now prohibited on the bridge during fireworks displays, except in designated areas, which is the case for a number of public events in Quebec. Thus, two smoking areas will be in place on bridge in strategic locations during these events.

Illumination of the Jacques Cartier Bridge
Why are some sections of the bridge not illuminated?

From February 26 to November 30, 2024, steel painting work is taking place on the main span of the bridge on the sidewalk (downstream) side. These works will have a partial impact on certain sections of the illumination.

Furthermore, during a half-masting of the Canadian flag, which affects all Government of Canada buildings and institutions, the bridge illumination is toned down.

Is the bridge illuminated every day?

The Jacques Cartier Bridge lights up every day at sunset. However, during a half-masting of the Canadian flag, which affects all Government of Canada buildings and institutions, the bridge illumination is toned down.


Being a federal Crown corporation, The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated ensures that the illumination of the Jacques Cartier Bridge follows the notices of half-masting of the Canadian flag, issued by Canadian Heritage, normally for a period of 24 hours. The annual illumination programming is then interrupted exceptionally, and the illumination is dimmed or “half-mast”. This procedure will be maintained, except in the case of half-masting notices issued for an undetermined period: in such cases, the bridge illumination will be dimmed for a maximum of 7 consecutive days.

How much did the Jacques Cartier Bridge illumination project cost?

The budget envelope for this project was $39.7 million. This budget included costs for the concept, design, execution and expenses to operate and maintain the installation over 10 years.

How much came from the federal government?

The Corporation provided $30 million of the total project cost. The rest of the funding came from the Society for the Celebration of Montréal’s 375th Anniversary. Costs for the illumination project included costs for the concept, design, execution, and expenses to operate and maintain the installation over 10 years.  

How long will the illumination be operational?

JCCBI will be proud to use its expertise to oversee for 10 years the illumination project on the Jacques Cartier Bridge, which was developed by Moment Factory and its partners.

Will there be light sequences to celebrate causes, sports victories or national holidays?

This installation is not a billboard. The illumination of the bridge and its original concept of seasonal colours and “living connections” must remain the primary attraction so as not to distort the nature of the project.

However, the bridge may be used to recognize some major events, for example during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the bridge was illuminated in the colours of the rainbow (the “ça va bien aller” campaign).

Could you change the colour of the bridge for a cause?

Special illuminations of the Jacques Cartier Bridge can’t be arranged since the Living Connections concept was designed with smart programming. This means that the illumination is activated by millions of data points that pulse to the beat of the city, particularly activity on social networks. The bridge also changes colours with the seasons according to a 365-colour calendar.

This unique work differs from other systems in place to illuminate different buildings or structures in Quebec. The bridge illumination programming is continuous: it is activated automatically every day at sunset and turned off at sunrise.

Did you know that you can make the Jacques Cartier Bridge shine even brighter?

You can! In fact, the bridge lights constantly react to Montreal’s energy with a discreet movement of light fragments up and down the structure. The intensity, speed and density of the light fragments change depending on how often #illuminationMTL hashtag is used on social media.

To learn more about the concept, visit the Illumination of the Jacques Cartier Bridge page.

Who manages the programming and controls the “live” animation?

The programming is automated and preset based on an interactive illumination concept developed by a consortium of seven Montreal lighting and multimedia companies led by Moment Factory. JCCBI is responsible for the system for a 10-year period.

At what time will the bridge be illuminated today?

The Jacques Cartier Bridge lights up at sunset. You can find the expected time for today’s date on the National Research Council Canada website.

When is the best time to admire the illumination?

Every day at sunset!

Every hour, the dominant themes from the media add colour to the bridge: green for environment, turquoise for technology, yellow for business, blue for sports, pink for institutions (religion, politics and justice), red for society (health, education and lifestyle) and purple for the arts.

Since January 2018, a short one-minute light show comes on every half hour.

Where are the best places to admire the illumination of the Jacques Cartier Bridge?
What are the project’s electricity costs?

The estimated electricity costs are approximately $30,000 to $40,000 a year. This estimate will be refined over the year once we have accumulated a longer consumption history.

Île Sainte-Hélène pavilion
Île Sainte-Hélène pavilion usage and rentals

Unfortunately, the Île Sainte-Hélène pavilion building cannot be rented out as it is currently undergoing structural repairs that will continue for several years. 

While this work is ongoing, JCCBI is considering how this building will be used in the future.

Why did you make these murals?

The pedestrian crossing used to be a purely functional corridor for pedestrians and cyclists that was not very inviting. The mural brings this passageway alive, increases the feeling of safety for users, and improves its integration with the surrounding urban environment.

Is part of your mission really to subsidize this type of art project? Shouldn't you be focusing on infrastructure maintenance and repair?

These projects are part of the Corporation’s broader mission to improve the urban integration, functionality and aesthetic appeal of the structures under its responsibility. These projects are part of our mission to use systemic management and a sustainable development approach to ensure that the major infrastructure under our responsibility lasts as long as possible. 

The money invested is minimal compared to our major maintenance budget.

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